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Samoyed Dog Breed Guide (Quick Links and Information)

The Samoyed is a breed of dog that is known for its white, fluffy coat and friendly, playful personality.

Originally from Siberia, the Samoyed was used as a working dog by the Samoyede people, who relied on the breed to herd reindeer, pull sleds, and keep their families warm.

Today, the Samoyed is a popular family pet and show dog, known for its intelligence, loyalty, and affectionate nature.

Quick Fact
Male: 21-23.5 inches; Female: 19-21 inches
Male: 45-65 pounds; Female: 35-50 pounds
12-14 years
Thick, fluffy, and double-coated; white or cream in color
Requires regular grooming and shedding is heavy to moderate
Requires daily exercise and enjoys activities such as running, hiking, and playing fetch
Friendly, playful, and affectionate; may be reserved with strangers
Intelligent and trainable, but may be stubborn at times
Yes, generally good with children
Yes, generally good with other dogs
Good with Cats
May be good with cats if properly socialized
Highly intelligent breed that excels at obedience and other dog sports
May bark excessively if not trained properly
Prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia and eye problems

History and Origin:

The Samoyed is an ancient breed with a long and fascinating history that dates back before we even have record of. (Click the link to read an in-depth article)

The breed’s roots can be traced back to the nomadic Samoyede people of Siberia, who relied on the Samoyed for a variety of tasks, including herding reindeer, pulling sleds, and serving as a source of warmth in the harsh Siberian climate.

In the late 19th century, the Samoyed was introduced to Europe and quickly gained popularity as a show dog and family pet. The breed’s friendly, playful personality and beautiful, fluffy coat made it a popular choice for show dog competitions and as a family pet. In 1906, the breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), cementing its place as a beloved and respected breed.


The Samoyed is a breed of dog that has a lifespan of 12-14 years on average. This is considered to be a relatively long lifespan for a medium to large-sized breed of dog. However, it is important to note that individual dogs may live shorter or longer lives depending on a variety of factors, such as genetics, diet, and environment.

One of the keys to helping a Samoyed dog live a long and healthy life is to provide proper care and attention. This includes feeding the dog a high-quality diet, providing regular exercise and mental stimulation, and visiting the veterinarian for regular check-ups and preventative care. It is also important to monitor the dog for any signs of illness or injury and to address any health concerns promptly. By taking good care of your Samoyed, you can help ensure that it enjoys a long and healthy life.

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How Much does it cost to own a Samoyed?

Costs to own a dog vary greatly depending on where you live and what services are available. In general, here is a breakdown of what you can expect.

Cost Factor
Estimated Cost
Purchase price of puppy
Health exam
Training classes
Collar, leash, and harness
Toys and treats
Food and water bowls
Ongoing expenses (food, toys, grooming, etc.)
$100-$200 per month

It is important to note that these are just estimates and that the actual cost of purchasing a Samoyed puppy may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the puppy’s age, breed, and location.

It is also worth considering any unexpected expenses that may arise, such as veterinary bills or unexpected training needs. It is important to do your research and budget accordingly before purchasing a Samoyed puppy to ensure that you are prepared for the associated costs.


Height and Weight:

The Samoyed is a medium to large-sized breed of dog. Here is a quick reference chart showing the average height and weight of a Samoyed dog based on the age of the dog.

Average Height (Male)
Average Height (Female)
Average Weight (Male)
Average Weight (Female)
8 weeks
7-8 inches
6-7 inches
10-12 pounds
9-11 pounds
12 weeks
10-12 inches
9-11 inches
15-20 pounds
14-18 pounds
6 months
15-17 inches
14-16 inches
25-30 pounds
20-25 pounds
1 year
19-21 inches
18-20 inches
45-50 pounds
35-40 pounds
2 years
21-22 inches
20-21 inches
50-60 pounds
40-50 pounds
3 years
22-23 inches
21-22 inches
55-65 pounds
45-50 pounds
4 years
23-24 inches
22-23 inches
60-70 pounds
50-55 pounds

It is worth noting that these are general guidelines and that individual dogs may vary in size. It is important to consult with a veterinarian or a breed-specific size chart to determine the appropriate size and weight for a particular dog.


The Samoyed is a breed of dog that is known for its thick, fluffy coat, which is one of the breed’s most distinctive features. The coat is made up of a double layer of fur, with a soft, downy undercoat and a longer, coarser outercoat. The coat is typically white or cream in color, although some Samoyed dogs may have a light biscuit or pale yellow color.

Note: A samoyeds coat requires regular grooming to maintain its soft fluffy appearance.

In addition to its thick, fluffy coat, the Samoyed is also known for its small, triangular ears, which are held erect, and its thick, bushy tail, which is carried over the back. These physical characteristics, along with the breed’s distinctive “Samoyed smile” (an upturned mouth that gives the breed a happy expression), contribute to the breed’s striking appearance.

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FAQ’s about Samoyed Appearance:

Why is My Samoyed Not Fluffy?

If your Samoyed is not fluffy, this may be occurring from several common causes including the dog’s genetics, possible health issues, current grooming methods, or their age!

Why is My Samoyed so Small? (Is it Normal?)

There can be many reasons why a Samoyed is small, some reasons include their health, genetics & DNA, and even simply that they are a miniature Samoyed breed!

Why is My Samoyed’s Nose Turning Pink!

There are several reasons why a Samoyed’s nose can begin turning pink. Some reasons include their genetics, weather/season change, and their overall health.


  • The Samoyed is a friendly, outgoing breed that is known for its playful, energetic personality.
  • Samoyeds are intelligent and loyal dogs, and they thrive on attention and affection from their owners.
  • The breed is known for its strong herding instinct, and they may try to herd small children or other pets in the household.
  • Samoyeds are generally good with children and other pets, but they can be stubborn and may require firm, consistent training to prevent them from becoming stubborn or dominant.

Do Samoyeds Make Good Service Dogs? (FAQ)

Samoyed dogs can potentially make good service dogs, depending on their individual temperament and training. Service dogs are trained to assist people with disabilities or special needs, and they perform a variety of tasks to help their owners live independently and safely. (Click the link above to learn more).

Samoyed Health and Care:

  • Diet: Samoyed dogs should be fed a high-quality diet that is appropriate for their age, size, and activity level. This may include a commercially-prepared dog food or a home-prepared diet, depending on your preferences and the dog’s needs.
  • Exercise: Samoyed dogs are energetic and require regular exercise to stay healthy and well-behaved. This may include daily walks, runs, or other physical activities, as well as mental stimulation through play or training.
  • Grooming: Samoyed dogs have a thick, double-coated fur that requires regular grooming to maintain its soft, fluffy appearance. This may include brushing, bathing, and trimming the coat, as well as ear and teeth care.
  • Training: Samoyed dogs are intelligent and can be stubborn at times, and they may require consistent training and socialization to prevent problem behaviors. It is a good idea to start training and socializing your Samoyed puppy as early as possible.
  • Health care: Samoyed dogs should receive regular veterinary care, including check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive treatments. It is important to keep your dog up-to-date on its health care to help prevent issues and to ensure that any problems are caught and treated early.
  • Safety: Samoyed dogs should be kept safe at all times, and precautions should be taken to protect them from hazards such as traffic, toxic substances, and extreme weather.
  • Housing: Samoyed dogs are well-suited to living indoors, and they may be good apartment dogs as long as they receive enough exercise and mental stimulation. However, if your Samoyed dog lives outside, it is important to provide it with a properly-insulated and secure dog house and to make sure that it has access to

Samoyed Diet

It is important to feed your Samoyed dog a high-quality diet that meets its nutritional needs. The best food for a Samoyed will depend on the individual dog’s age, weight, activity level, and any specific health concerns. In general, it is recommended to feed a Samoyed dog a diet that is high in animal protein and fat, and low in carbohydrates.

Some good options for a Samoyed dog food include:

  • High-quality dry dog food that is formulated for large breed dogs and made with real animal protein as the first ingredient. Look for brands that use whole meats rather than meat meals, and that avoid the use of low-quality fillers such as corn and wheat.
  • Wet dog food that is made with real, whole meats and does not contain any artificial additives or preservatives.
  • Homemade dog food that is made with whole, unprocessed ingredients such as meat, vegetables, and grains. This can be a good option for dogs with specific dietary needs or allergies.

It is important to avoid feeding your Samoyed dog a diet that is low in quality or that does not meet its nutritional needs. This can lead to health problems such as malnutrition, obesity, and other issues. Always choose a high-quality dog food that is appropriate for your dog’s age and size, and consult with a veterinarian if you have any questions about your dog’s dietary needs.

Samoyed Exercise

Here are a few ways to exercise a Samoyed dog:

  • Going for walks: Taking your Samoyed dog for daily walks is a great way to provide it with physical exercise and mental stimulation. Aim for at least one walk per day, and vary the route to keep things interesting for your dog.
  • Running or jogging: If you are an active person, you may be able to take your Samoyed dog for runs or jogs. This can be a great way to provide your dog with high-intensity exercise and to bond with it.
  • Playing fetch: Samoyed dogs are often energetic and love to play, so playing fetch is a great way to provide them with exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Dog sports: There are many different dog sports that can be fun and rewarding for both you and your Samoyed dog. Options include agility, obedience, rally, and more.
  • Hiking: If you enjoy spending time outdoors, taking your Samoyed dog on hikes can be a great way to provide it with exercise and to explore new trails and environments.

It is important to remember that Samoyed dogs are high-energy breeds that require regular exercise to stay healthy and well-behaved.

It is a good idea to vary your dog’s exercise routine and to try out different activities to keep things interesting and to provide a well-rounded exercise regimen. Always pay attention to your dog’s age, size, and fitness level when deciding on an exercise plan, and consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns.

Samoyed General Health

Overall, Samoyed dogs are generally considered to be healthy and hardy breeds. They are known to be strong and athletic, and they can be relatively free of serious health problems with proper care and nutrition.

Here are a few common health concerns to be aware of in Samoyed dogs:

  • Hip dysplasia: This is a common inherited condition in which the hip joint is malformed, causing pain, lameness, and difficulty moving.
  • Hypothyroidism: This is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, causing weight gain, fatigue, and skin problems.
  • Diabetes: This is a condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin or does not use it properly, causing high blood sugar levels and a range of health problems.
  • Heart disease: Samoyed dogs may be prone to heart conditions, including congestive heart failure and heart valve problems, which can cause coughing, difficulty breathing, and weakness.
  • Dental problems: Samoyed dogs may be prone to dental problems, such as gum disease, tooth loss, and bad breath, which can be caused by poor oral hygiene and genetics.
  • Eye problems: Samoyed dogs may be prone to eye problems, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal degeneration, which can cause vision loss and other problems.

It is important to be aware of these health concerns and to work with a veterinarian to monitor your Samoyed dog’s health and to address any problems that may arise. Regular veterinary check-ups, a healthy diet, and good oral and eye care can help to prevent or manage many of these health issues.

Pro Tip: If you are not able to get a hold of a vet near you, or you want to avoid an unnecessary ER trip, there are online resources that you can turn to. Here is our best recommendation:
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How Much do Samoyed Sleep? (Can They Sleep Outside?)

Samoyed dogs are generally considered to be moderate to high-energy breeds, and they may require more sleep than some other breeds of dog. However, the amount of sleep that a Samoyed dog needs can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the dog’s age, size, activity level, and overall health.

As a general rule, adult Samoyed dogs may need about 12-14 hours of sleep per day. This may include both periods of rest and periods of deep sleep. Puppies and senior dogs may need slightly more or less sleep, depending on their age and activity level.

Where should My Samoyed sleep?

It is important to provide your Samoyed dog with a comfortable, quiet place to sleep, such as a crate or a dog bed, and to establish a consistent sleep routine. Ensuring that your dog gets enough sleep can help to keep it healthy, happy, and well-behaved.

However, it is also important to remember that individual dogs may have different sleep needs and habits, and it is important to pay attention to your dog’s specific needs and to adjust its sleep routine accordingly.

In general, it is not recommended to leave a Samoyed dog outside all the time, as they are social animals that thrive on human companionship. Samoyed dogs are well-suited to living indoors and can be good apartment dogs as long as they receive enough exercise and mental stimulation.

However, if you live in a mild climate and your Samoyed dog is healthy and well-acclimated to the outdoors, it may be possible for the dog to sleep outside in a properly-insulated and secure dog house.

It is important to make sure that the dog house is large enough for the dog to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably, and that it is well-ventilated and protected from the elements. It is also important to provide your Samoyed dog with fresh water and shelter from extreme temperatures, such as heat or cold.

What to do about my Samoyed licking its paws?

If your Samoyed is licking its paws excessively, it could be due to injury, irritation, allergies, stress, anxiety, boredom, or a medical condition.

To determine the cause and find a solution, you can inspect the paws for signs of injury, consider the surfaces your Samoyed has been walking on, look for other signs of allergies or irritation, and consider stress and boredom as potential causes. If the behavior persists, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian for a checkup and proper treatment.

Why Does My Samoyed Smell Bad?

Samoyeds can develop unpleasant odors due to various reasons, including poor dental hygiene, ear infections, skin infections, anal gland issues, a poor diet, and a lack of grooming.

Samoyed Grooming

Grooming a Samoyed is important for a number of reasons. Regular grooming helps to keep the dog’s coat clean and healthy, and it can also help to prevent skin issues such as dryness, irritation, and infections. Grooming is also an important bonding activity for dogs and their owners, and it is an important part of caring for a Samoyed dog and can help to prevent issues such as tangles, mats, and skin problems.

Here is a grooming checklist for a Samoyed dog:

  • Brushing Brush the coat at least once a week, and more often during shedding season, using a slicker brush or a comb specifically designed for double-coated breeds.
  • Hair Cut – Trim the coat around the feet, ears, and anus to keep it clean and well-maintained. Be careful not to shave or cut too closely!
  • BathingBathe the dog as needed, using a high-quality dog shampoo that is formulated for double-coated breeds and that will not strip the coat of its natural oils.
  • Ear Care Check the ears regularly for signs of infection or irritation, and clean them as needed using a veterinarian-approved ear cleaner.
  • Nail Care – Trim the nails regularly to keep them at a healthy length and to prevent overgrown nails from causing discomfort or pain.
  • Teeth CareBrush the teeth at least once a week using a veterinarian-approved toothpaste and toothbrush.
  • Coat Care – Check the coat and skin for any signs of parasites, such as fleas or ticks, and take steps to prevent or treat infestations as needed.

How to Groom a Samoyed FAQs

How Much do Samoyed Shed?

Samoyed dogs are known to shed heavily, especially during shedding season.

Samoyed dogs tend to shed more heavily in the spring and fall, when the weather starts to change and the dog’s coat goes through a shedding cycle. During these times, it is not uncommon for Samoyed dogs to shed large amounts of fur, which can accumulate on clothing, furniture, and other household surfaces.

Some Samoyed dogs may shed more heavily than others, and the amount of shedding can vary depending on the individual dog’s age, diet, and overall health.

To help manage shedding, it is important to brush your Samoyed dog regularly, at least once a week, and more often during shedding season. Using a slicker brush or a comb specifically designed for double-coated breeds can help to remove tangles, mats, and loose fur from the coat.

Bathing your Samoyed dog regularly can also help to remove loose fur and to minimize shedding. In addition, feeding your Samoyed a high-quality diet and keeping it well-hydrated can help to promote a healthy coat and minimize shedding.

Shaving Your Samoyed? (Will Its Coat Grow Back?)

It is generally not recommended to shave your Samoyed dog. Shaving the breed’s thick, fluffy coat can remove the natural protection that it provides from the elements and expose the dog’s sensitive skin.

Additionally, shaving the coat will not help the dog stay cool, as the coat serves as an insulating layer that helps to regulate the dog’s body temperature.

The only exception to this rule is if the dog’s coat becomes excessively matted or if there is a medical reason to shave the coat (e.g., skin infection). In these cases, it may be necessary to shave the coat in order to promote the dog’s health and well-being.

If your dogs coat needs to be shaved for medical reasons, it will grow back, but special care is required to make sure that it grows back healthy and will not be required to shave again.

  • The Samoyed is generally a healthy breed, with an average lifespan of 12-14 years.
  • However, like all breeds, Samoyeds are prone to certain health issues, including hip dysplasia, diabetes, and eye problems.
  • It is important for Samoyed owners to feed their pets a high-quality diet and to provide regular exercise to keep them healthy and fit.
  • Samoyeds require regular grooming to maintain their thick, fluffy coats, including brushing and baths.

Are Samoyeds Hypoallergenic?

Samoyed are not considered to be Hypoallergenic dogs.

If you are allergic to dogs, it is important to be aware that Samoyed dogs may not be the best choice for you. While there is no such thing as a completely hypoallergenic dog breed, there are some breeds that produce less dander (dead skin cells) and saliva, which are the main sources of dog allergens.

It is also important to note that allergies to dogs are not always predictable, and what may be tolerable for one person may be unbearable for another. If you are considering getting a Samoyed dog and have allergies, it is a good idea to spend some time with the breed and to consult with a doctor or allergist before making a decision.


Samoyed dogs are generally considered to be intelligent and trainable, but they can also be stubborn and independent at times. This means that they may require more time, patience, and consistency to train than some other breeds of dog.

Samoyed dogs are known to respond well to positive reinforcement, such as treats, praise, and attention, and it is important to use this approach when training your dog. However, it is also important to be consistent in your expectations and rules, and to establish yourself as the leader in the relationship.

Here are a few specific training activities that you can try with your Samoyed dog:

  • Basic obedience: Teaching your Samoyed dog basic obedience commands, such as sit, stay, come, and heel, can help to establish good behavior and to build a strong bond with your dog.
  • Leash training: Samoyed dogs can be strong and energetic, and it is important to teach them to walk calmly on a leash. This may involve using a harness or a head collar, and it may require patience and consistency to teach your dog to walk nicely.
  • Socialization: Samoyed dogs are social animals and benefit from early socialization to other people, dogs, and environments. Exposing your dog to a variety of experiences and situations can help to prevent problem behaviors and to build confidence and adaptability.
  • Tricks: Samoyed dogs are intelligent and enjoy learning new tricks and skills. Teaching your dog tricks, such as rolling over, fetching, or balancing a treat on its nose, can be a fun way to bond with your dog and to provide mental stimulation.
  • Advanced training: Depending on your goals and interests, you may want to consider advanced training activities with your Samoyed dog, such as agility, obedience, rally, or therapy work. Advanced training can be a rewarding and enjoyable way to challenge your dog and to build a strong bond.

Trying out a fun training program together like this widely popular program Brain Training for Dogs can help unlock your dog’s hidden potential and help them learn how to avoid problem behaviors.

How much do Samoyed Bark?

Samoyed dogs are known to be vocal breed, and they may bark more than some other breeds of dog. However, the amount of barking that a Samoyed does can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the individual dog’s personality and training, the dog’s environment and stimuli, and the dog’s general level of arousal.

Some Samoyed dogs may bark more frequently or more loudly than others, while others may be quieter and reserved.

Note: Barking is a natural behavior for dogs, and it is often used as a means of communication or as a response to stimuli. However, excessive barking can be a problem for some dogs and can be annoying or disruptive for their owners and neighbors.

Do Samoyeds Howls?

According to Samoyed owners (we asked a Facebook group), not all Samoyeds are Howlers. Some of the more vocal Sammys did like to howl, and usually, when there was more than one dog in the household, they were more likely to howl.

Are Samoyeds Aggressive? (Causes & Solutions)

Samoyed dogs are generally not aggressive, and they are known to be friendly and good-natured. However, like any breed of dog, Samoyeds can exhibit aggressive behavior if they are not properly socialized, trained, and cared for.

Samoyed dogs may become aggressive if they feel threatened, if they are not properly socialized to people and other dogs, or if they are mistreated or neglected. They may also become aggressive if they are not given enough exercise and mental stimulation, or if they are not trained and managed properly.

Are Samoyeds Prone to Separation Anxiety?

Yes, Samoyed dogs can experience separation anxiety, especially if they are not properly socialized and trained, or if they are left alone for long periods of time. Separation anxiety is a common problem in dogs, and it can cause them to become anxious, agitated, or destructive when they are left alone.

Is a Samoyed a Good Choice for First-Time Dog Owner?

A Samoyed may or may not be a good choice for a first-time dog owner, depending on the individual owner’s experience, lifestyle, and expectations. They are known to be loyal and affectionate companions, but they can also be high-maintenance in terms of their grooming and training needs.

Here are a few things to consider if you are thinking about getting a Samoyed as a first-time dog owner:

  • Experience: If you are new to dog ownership and do not have much experience with training and caring for a dog, a Samoyed may not be the best choice. This breed can be challenging to train and may require more time, patience, and consistency than some other breeds.
  • Lifestyle: Samoyed dogs are energetic and require regular exercise and mental stimulation. If you have a busy or sedentary lifestyle, or if you live in a small space, a Samoyed may not be the best fit.
  • Grooming: Samoyed dogs have a thick, fluffy coat that requires regular grooming to maintain its soft, fluffy appearance. If you are not willing or able to commit to regular grooming, a Samoyed may not be the right choice for you.
  • Training: Samoyed dogs are intelligent and can be stubborn at times. They may require consistent training and socialization to prevent problem behaviors such as excessive barking or destructiveness. If you are not prepared to invest time and effort into training your dog, a Samoyed may not be the right fit.

Are Samoyeds Good Family Dogs? (Owners Tell All!)

Samoyed dogs can make good family pets, as they are known to be friendly, loyal, and good-natured. They are generally good with children and can be patient and gentle with younger family members, as long as they are treated with kindness and respect.

Samoyed dogs are also known to be good with other pets, including dogs and cats, as long as they are introduced and socialized properly.

It is a good idea to introduce your Samoyed dog to children or other pets at an early age to teach them how to behave around each other safely and respectfully. S

Samoyed dogs should be taught to be gentle and to respect boundaries, and children should be taught to be kind and gentle with the dog, and to respect its space.

It is also important to supervise all interactions between children and dogs, and to be aware of any signs of aggression or discomfort in either the dog or the child. If you have concerns about your Samoyed dog’s behavior around children, it is a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer for guidance.

Note: They may be more prone to chasing small animals, such as rodents or birds, due to their herding instincts, so it is important to supervise them around smaller pets and to train them to leave them alone.

While we strive to give the most accurate and helpful information about your pet’s health that we can, this article is meant to be informational only and not medical advice. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice from your veterinarian or other qualified veterinary health care provider regardless of what you have read on this site or elsewhere.

Fascinating Samoyed Breed History (Sled Dogs to Show Dogs)
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