Samoyeds are one of the most popular dog breeds that potential and current dog owners look forward to owning. They are some of the most intelligent, loyal, and beautiful dogs around, which is why they appeal so much to dog lovers!
One of the biggest concerns for dog owners is whether or not the breed they wish to own is aggressive or not; this is especially a concern for families who have children.
Thankfully, the Samoyed breed is not known to be aggressive; however, there are Samoyed owners who have noticed their dog show aggressive behavior.
If you notice your Samoyed acting aggressively, there are many steps that can be taken to eliminate aggressive behavior or to ensure that your Samoyed will not ever become aggressive.
In this article, we will talk about why Samoyeds show aggression as well as the many different ways you can prevent your dog from showing aggressive behavior in the first place.
If you are interested in learning more about why your Samoyed may be showing aggressive behavior and how to prevent this from happening, then keep reading!

Are Samoyeds Aggressive?
Like all dog owners, anyone who is interested in owning a Samoyed for the first time will oftentimes wonder whether or not the breed is likely to become aggressive.
Thankfully, it is rare that a Samoyed will become aggressive and if they do, there is typically a reason for it.
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Samoyeds are a great breed for families to own, especially if there are children in the family. Samoyeds can match children’s energy while still being calm but also playful.
The Samoyed breed is known to have a great personality; however, it is not always guaranteed that your Samoyed will inherit these qualities, each dog of every breed is different.
If you are interested in learning more about whether or not a Samoyed would be good for your family, check out this article: Are Samoyeds Good Family Dogs? (Owners Tell All!)
As mentioned above, Samoyeds will typically only display aggressive behavior for a specific reason, usually this happens when they are anxious and scared. But, even in these situations, this breed can usually handle itself well.
Like all other dog breeds, there are sometimes situations where Samoyeds will show aggressive behavior, even if they never have before.
Some Samoyed owners have said that have struggled with their dog’s aggressive behavior, whether that be from the start (as a puppy), or later on in life at random times.
Thankfully, there are many different ways to make sure that your dog will not display aggressive behavior.
One of the most important first steps to take if you are concerned about your Samoyed’s aggressive behavior is to figure out why they are acting the way they are.
Try paying close attention to their behavior to see if you notice what is causing their sudden behavior to change or if they start to become irritable.
A lot of time Samoyeds will act this way because something out of the ordinary is happening. For example, they may be hearing a strange noise, smelling a scent, or a new person/animal is nearby.
Even something as simple as moving houses can cause emotional stress on a dog and they may react by acting out aggressively.
You can also try visiting a vet or a training professional, they will usually be able to figure out why your dog is acting aggressively and can offer advice/tips for getting your dog to stop its aggressive behavior.
TIP: Training is usually the best way to keep a Samoyed from being/becoming aggressive, we will talk about this more later in the article!
Why is My Samoyed Suddenly Aggressive for no Reason?
It is always hard when our dogs begin acting differently from their normal behaviors. Many Samoyed owners have stated that their dog has suddenly become aggressive after never acting that way before.
Several reasons why your Samoyed may be acting aggressively for no reason can be because they are bored, anxious, scared, etc.
Samoyeds are a breed that requires a significant amount of exercise and attention. If they become bored and are left alone for too long, they will become destructive and aggressive.
NOTE: Samoyeds are prone to separation anxiety, click HERE to learn more!
Because of their history as a herding breed, they are used to getting plenty of movement and entertainment.
If your Samoyed is becoming aggressive or irritable because they are bored or anxious, you may notice some of their behaviors include:
- Nipping
- Digging up the yard
- Chewing on things
- Growling
- Ripping up their toys
NOTE: If your Samoyed is acting aggressively because of anxiety, there are certain medications a vet can prescribe that will help!
There are also other physical indicators that a Samoyed will show if they are aggressive, some include:
- Snapping
- Showing their fangs/snarling
- Rigid body language
- Averting their gaze/anxious look
- Tail tucking
- Cowering
- Raised fur
NOTE: If you notice these behaviors, it is best to stop and begin correcting them as soon as possible, this will show the dog from the beginning that their behavior is unacceptable.

Why is My Samoyed Always Aggressive?
It is uncommon for a Samoyed to show aggressive behavior at all times. If you notice your dog doing this, it is important to determine why, and as soon as possible.
There is usually a reason why a Samoyed will show aggressive behavior constantly. This can be because they are overly protective, they have experienced trauma, or they are sick.
One of the most common reasons dogs who are constantly aggressive show this behavior is because they have experienced trauma. Until they know they are in a safe space, they will continue to show this behavior.
Thankfully, there are many ways that an aggressive Samoyed can be handled and taught that the behavior is not acceptable. Usually, with correct training, these behaviors can be fixed quickly.
Samoyeds are very protective over their owners; it is important to teach them early on that there are boundaries when it comes to showing aggression as a protective behavior.
NOTE: While Samoyeds are stubborn, they are typically an easy breed to train. This makes the owner’s life much easier when it comes to getting their dog to behave correctly!
Why is My Samoyed Only Aggressive at Certain Times?
Several Samoyed owners stated that their dog only becomes aggressive at certain times of day, either during the day or at nighttime.
Samoyeds will usually show aggression during the daytime if they are left alone for long periods of time, and at nighttime because they oftentimes experience anxiety.
As mentioned previously, Samoyeds need consistent exercise and attention. Owners who have left their dog(s) inside alone most of the day were more likely to notice their dogs showing aggressive behavior.
This usually happens because they become anxious at being left alone, and then become bored.
Samoyeds have also been known to show aggression only at night. This usually happens because they become anxious and scared of the dark.
Sometimes dogs will also react aggressively more at nighttime because they can hear things that we can’t. Not only is the dark bothering them, but they are also hearing unfamiliar noises that make them even more anxious/scared.
NOTE: If your dog becomes anxious at night because of the dark, try leaving on a small light so that they aren’t in complete darkness, you may begin to notice their aggressive behavior lessening over time or even immediately.
Why is My Samoyed an Aggressive Chewer?
One of many dog owners’ biggest pet peeves is when their dog begins to chew on anything they can get their teeth on.
Samoyeds have been known to be aggressive chewers, but there is usually a reason for them acting this way.
Because Samoyeds are prone to anxiety, they will oftentimes chew apart their toys aggressively as a comforting method; the same goes for if they are in pain, chewing their toys helps them relax and focus less on their pain/anxiety.
The Samoyed’s protective instinct can also cause them to chew aggressively on their toys. Sometimes this behavior is not good because they will act this way solely because they don’t want any other human or animal touching their things; this is where good training comes into play.
Training and socializing a Samoyed early can prevent them from being aggressive when it comes to toys and playing with others.
Why Does My Samoyed Aggressively Bark So Much?
Samoyeds are known to bark excessively; however, they normally aren’t doing this just to be aggressive.
There are many reasons why Samoyeds tend to bark so much, some include boredom, playfulness, attention-seeking, etc.
While a lot of times Samoyeds aren’t barking because of aggressive behavior, there are times when they will bark aggressively out of anxiety and fear.
They are also known to bark aggressively because they are being territorial or protective.
Because of their past as herding dogs, Samoyeds LOVE to bark; however, if you notice them barking aggressively at other humans or animals for no reason, it is important to get to the bottom of why they are acting this way.
Samoyeds have very loud/strong barks, some people may think they are barking aggressively when in reality they are only playing, this is why it is important to pay attention to your dog and know their behaviors/body language.
If you are interested to learn more about why Samoyeds bark so much, check out this article: Samoyed Barking Complete Guide (With Tips from Owners)

Are Samoyeds Aggressive to Other Dogs?
One concern that dog owners often have is whether or not their dog will be aggressive towards other dogs, this is especially a concern when bringing a new dog into a house that already has a dog.
The truth is, Samoyeds normally get along with other animals and since they aren’t known to be aggressive, they make great additions to families that already have animals.
However, like all dog breeds, if provoked enough, Samoyeds will set boundaries with other dogs/animals.
If a dog is in another dog’s space, stealing their toys/food, or annoying them in any sort of way, they will be likely to react; the same goes for the Samoyed breed.
Samoyeds are good about informing another dog/animal if they don’t like what the other is doing; this is usually in a more assertive/teaching way, not in an aggressive way.
NOTE: If you notice your Samoyed correcting other animals/dogs in an aggressive way, you may want to look closer into what is causing them to be so irritated with the other animal and correct the aggressive behavior as soon as possible.
How to Make My Samoyed Less Aggressive?
If you are a Samoyed owner with a dog who is showing aggression, you are probably looking to get that behavior corrected right away.
Training, especially at an early age is the most important step in ensuring that your Samoyed will not show aggressive behavior.
Obedience training, crate training, leash training, etc. are all very important so that you are able to control your Samoyeds behavior and avoid unwanted situations that an untrained dog may experience.
If you are planning on getting a Samoyed puppy, try coming up with a training plan before you even bring the puppy home. This will ensure you are on track and ready to train your puppy so that they benefit from the start!
Getting your Samoyed puppy out and about daily and exposing them to socialization can be a key factor in training and making sure they don’t display any aggressive behavior.
TIP: Try taking your dog for several walks throughout the day. This is very effective in getting a dog out of its comfort zone and forcing it to experience the outside world that they may have been anxious about before.
With more exposure, dogs become used to situations they may have previously been scared of; this means they will also be less likely to show aggressive behavior out of fear.
It is also important that your Samoyed understands training commands, even if they are simple ones.
TIP: Try not to switch up the words/training commands you are using for your dog, this may cause them to become confused.
Overall, keeping a consistent training schedule and approach to training is the best way for a Samoyed to train quickly and efficiently!
Read these next: (All About Samoyeds!)
Is a Samoyed a Good Choice for First-Time Dog Owner?
Are Samoyeds Good Family Dogs? (Owners Tell All!)