Why is My Samoyed so Small? (Is it Normal?)

As dog owners, we are always concerned about our dog’s health and overall well-being. With there being so many different breed standards, oftentimes dog owners become concerned when their dog doesn’t match the usual looks, actions, etc. for their breed according to the American Kennel Club (AKC) standards. It is important to remember that even … Read more

Papillon Ears (Your Complete Guide)

If you have ever owned a Papillon, you already know what friendly, happy, and energetic dogs they can be! They are most oftentimes recognized because of their adorable ears that stand up straight! Papillon ears are some of the most unique among dog breeds because they resemble a butterfly shape; However, this breed’s ears have … Read more

Best Rated Puppy Probiotic Brands (Owner Reviews)

If you have ever owned a puppy, you may already be familiar with probiotics, which are the “good bacteria” that live in the gut. Probiotics can help puppies with a variety of different conditions ranging from upset stomach, itching/scratching, and can even help strengthen the immune system. Puppy owners sometimes wonder what the best type … Read more