Siberian Husky Grooming Ideas & Styles

Oftentimes when thinking of Huskies people have one specific look stuck in their head. A lot of dog owners are unaware that there are multiple grooming styles that a Siberian Husky can rock!

Multiple important aspects are involved in deciding what style and grooming methods are right for your Husky in particular. If you are interested in learning the different grooming styles and what is best for different types of Huskies and their unique fur, then keep reading!

Do Huskies need grooming?

Like most other dogs, Huskys require grooming although not as extensively as some other breeds. As long as they are groomed correctly and consistently, they are a pretty easy breed to groom!

It is recommended to fully groom Huskies every 2–3 months; although, this could vary depending on if your dog is a working dog, is outside a lot, or gets dirty easily. Huskies that are indoors most of the time may only need a bath every 3–4 months!

Although bathing your Husky is important, bathing your pup too often can result in dry skin!

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Tip: Try blow drying your Husky after their bath, their double coat is known for holding a lot of water!

A lot of Huskys can get by with simple grooming techniques (brushing, bathing, trimming, ear, teeth, and nail care, etc.) For the most part, as long as these are maintained then you will rarely need to go overboard with the amount of grooming done to your pup!

A lot of times Husky owners will only take their pups to a professional groomer once a month or even less often. As long as you are maintaining your dog’s basic grooming needs, there is no reason for a professional to groom them very often!

Siberian Husky grooming requirements

Some owners are unsure of when it is time to groom their Husky. As stated above, it normally depends on how much time your dog spends outside or if they get dirty quickly; a lot of times where you live can also influence how often your pup needs to be groomed.

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If your dog spends a lot of time outside, they will become way dirtier than an inside dog, this may result in them needing to be bathed more often.

It is typically easy to see if your dog needs a bath or overall grooming, some ways to tell if it is time to bathe/groom your Husky is if:

Tip: If you notice your Husky still has an odor after their bath and grooming service, this could be a sign that their paws were not cleaned well enough and there is dirt and debris left between the toes; on a more serious occasion a leftover odor after a bath could be a sign of health problems.

If you notice there is an odor lingering even after confirming that there is no debris between your dogs’ toes, it is best to get them to a vet as soon as possible.

Children sitting with a husky on grass brushing their dog

How should a Husky be groomed?

If you are grooming your Husky at home, there are different grooming approaches that you can take whether you are doing a full groom (including bath), or just brushing your Husky, some grooming methods include:  

1. Bathing and brushing

2. Trimming the fur

3. Overall Maintenance: Nails, EarsTeeth

Tip: If you are bathing your Husky at home, it is important to use a good shampoo and conditioner – never use human shampoo or conditioner because certain fragrances and dyes can irritate, dry out, and damage your dog’s skin.

Brushing is a key step in grooming a Husky, if they are not brushed properly, especially before a bath, their fur can become matted. Daily brushing is recommended to ensure that no tangles begin to build up in your pup’s fur. Daily brushing also eliminates the amount of time it takes to brush your Husky each time – the longer you wait to brush, the longer it takes to get through all of that fur!

Along with brushing, maintaining your Husky’s paws and ears is very important in the grooming process. As long as these areas are maintained, there should be no issues with keeping your Husky groomed properly!

Siberian Husky Grooming Styles

Huskies are known for their incredible fur; although, some owners are not sure what grooming style is best for their pup in particular. There are many different grooming styles available for Huskys that are all unique in their own way. It is up to the owner to decide which grooming style works best for their dog. Some of the most common grooming styles include:

  • Puppy cut or minimal cut – natural look (breed standard), normally involves more brushing.
  • Teddy bear cut – fluffy and soft look, rounded corners vs. sharp angles, the legs will have a slimmer look and the face will have a rounded style.
  • Rounded cut – Easier for groomer because the harder sections of the dog are not groomed as much, the natural muzzle shape remains.
  • Simba style – Fur around the head and neck resembles a lion. The body will be trimmed down and there is oftentimes hair left in tufts around the feet and tail.

All of these styles require little to no cutting of the fur. All that is required is trimming, which is low maintenance and great for people looking to groom their dog at home!

Using different brushing tools and products on your Husky can also result in different grooming styles and looks. For example, using a product that will make the coat shiny, or lay down flat can cause different desired styles for your pup!

It is important to NEVER shave Huskies. A lot of people assume that shaving their Husky will eliminate shedding, this is not true. If a Siberian Husky is shaved, its fur may never grow back the same, resulting in insulation issues. There is normally no need to even cut the hair, trimming the fur here and there for maintenance or to achieve the grooming styles listed above is normally all that is needed to keep your Husky looking great!

Basic grooming tips

Because they shed so much, it is important to brush your Husky often, especially during high shed periods. One of the most highly recommended brush types is a stiff-bristled brush since it can reach through all of that thick fur! Other recommended brushes and tools that work best for Huskys include:

  • Slicker Brush
  • 2-in-1 Pin and Bristle Brush
  • Steel Comb
  • De-shedding Rake
  • Furminator

It is important when brushing a Siberian Husky to start at the head and move down, this ensures that the fur does not become matted or fluffed up. Starting at the head and working down can also help eliminate any stress your dog may be feeling by being brushed; brushing in light, slow strokes can also help your dog feel more comfortable!

Huskies’ fur is thicker around the neck and stomach, brushing these areas thoroughly is important in ridding any loose hair that can become uncomfortable for your pup if left there.

Your Husky’s paws are one of the most important aspects of the grooming process. Keeping their nails, toe hair, and paw pads in good shape is critical in ensuring your pup is happy and healthy! Oftentimes trimming the fur around the paws and from in between the toes is helpful to avoid any debris being lodged in the paw or any discomfort that the fur may cause them to feel.

For tips and tricks on Shedding read:
Siberian Husky Shedding Complete Guide (Tips and Tricks From Owners)

Show coat vs. Working coat

Not only are show and working Siberian Husky’s body types different, but their coats are significantly different as well. A working Husky tends to have a leaner, longer, and taller body type whilst a show Husky has a stockier look.

 A lot of times people do not understand the difference between a show coat and a working coat Siberian Husky, several differences make each one of their coats unique!

Show Huskys tend to have various colors throughout their coat and oftentimes very distinct markings. Their fur is also very thick, and they are oftentimes larger than a working Husky. Show Huskys tend to need more grooming compared to working Huskys. Not only because they need to look their best for shows, but because of their thicker fur, they are more likely to become matted compared to the working coat Husky.

Working coat Huskys tend to have shorter and less thick fur. The main advantage to a working coat is that it is far easier to groom since there is not as much fur as a show coat Husky. Oftentimes working coat Huskys will not have as many colors throughout their coat as a show Husky will have. Working coat Huskys tend to have a more solid-colored coat that is dark.

A Show Husky’s fur also tends to look different from working Huskys because they typically experience a lot more grooming than working Huskies. To prepare for a show they must receive intense grooming to ensure their fur and grooming style looks the best!

This sometimes includes owners using special shampoos and conditioners, different drying techniques, and brushing their dog daily weeks before a show!

How to find a good groomer

If you are not interested in grooming your Husky at home, you must find a good groomer that will maintain all of your pup’s grooming needs!

Grooming if not done properly or on a regular basis can become a traumatic experience. Finding a patient and understanding groomer can help avoid that.

Some tips for finding a good groomer include:

  • Asking people around you – Asking people you know, or even a stranger walking by with a dog that has great fur where they get their dog groomed can be a quick start in finding a groomer that works best for you and your pup!
  • Calling different groomers where you live – Calling a groomer and asking any questions you have is a great way to start a relationship with a groomer that will take great care of your pup!
  • Certified groomers – Confirm with whatever groomer you have chosen that they have the necessary experience and any certification required by where you live.
  • Visit a pet store – By visiting a pet store, not only are you likely to run into other dog owners who can give you suggestions on where to find a groomer, but you can also ask the pet store owners and employees any suggestions they may have!
  • Search online – An online search for a groomer near you can be a fast and effective way to find a great groomer for your pup! Referring to social media is a good option as well. You can ask your friends or followers for any recommendations that they have! This website may be helpful in searching for a groomer near you!

How much does it cost to groom a Siberian Husky?

A lot of Husky owners’ biggest concern when considering whether or not to groom their Husky at home or find a reliable groomer is what the cost will be. The price will vary depending on your Husky’s size and depending on the groomer themselves and their grooming location (whether they are a local shop, a mobile dog groomer, etc.)

Tip: For an in-depth breakdown of the cost to groom your Husky read this article: Cost to Groom a Siberian Husky (Owners Surveyed)

You may also consider visiting a “do it yourself” dog wash salon where you can wash your dog by yourself using the salon’s equipment (note — typically shears and clippers are not included in this, but the salon will normally provide combs, brushes, etc.) The price for these types of salons varies between $10–$30.

At a local grooming shop, it is typical to pay around $40$75 for a Siberian Husky full-service grooming. Here is a breakdown of standard pricing for different types of grooming at a dog grooming salon:

Price (Varies)
Nail trim / Buffing
Nail trim
Flea and Tick Treatment
Paw Balm
Face, Feet, and Back

While we strive to give the most accurate and helpful information about your pet’s health that we can, this article is meant to be informational only and not medical advice. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice from your veterinarian or other qualified veterinary health care provider regardless of what you have read on this site or elsewhere.