As a Chihuahua owner myself, I absolutely adore the big personality in my little pup Bear! He brings so much love and laughter into our lives I want to make sure I’m doing everything I need to to keep him happy and healthy so when my daughters asked if they could share their apple with our chi we went on a path of discovery.
Here’s what we found. Yes, Chihuahuas can eat apples in moderation. Apples are a good healthy snack for Chihuahuas as long as you make sure to first remove the stem and seeds.
Apple seeds have a small amount of cyanide in them and could potentially be dangerous for your Chihuahua, but the fleshy part of the apple, as well as the peel, contains a lot of nutrients that can be part of your Chis healthy diet. Bonus: Apples can also help to clean residue off of their teeth and help freshen their breath.
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Apples contain fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and Vitamin K as well as small amounts of manganese, copper, and vitamins A, E, B1, B2, and B6..
The peels also contain polyphenols which is a micronutrient that contains antioxidants and other beneficial properties. Apples also contain fiber which is helpful to keep a dog’s digestive tract running smoothly. Not only are apples a delicious and nutritious snack for us, but also very beneficial for our dog!

So if your Chihuahua is staring you down (link to an article I wrote about why your Chihuahua stares at you) for a piece of that fruity goodness go ahead a share a little!
According to the AKC (American Kennel Club) 7 vitamins your dog needs for a healthy life are listed below. All the of the bolded ones are found in apples.
- Vitamin A – Important for a healthy coat, muscle strength, and night vision.
- B vitamins – Important for healthy skin and to maintain a proper weight.
- Vitamin C – Promotes tissue repair, and helps prevent some types of cancer.
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E – Good for the immune system, heart health, liver, and muscles.
- Vitamin K – Important to keep your dog’s blood clotting properly.
- Choline
If you are feeding your Chi commercial pet food, then most likely it is formulated in a way to help them receive all these important vitamins and minerals, but apples can provide a natural source for several of these vitamins as well, in a tasty and fun snack.
Are there certain types of apples I should avoid giving my Chihuahua
You might think that avoiding certain varieties like the tart Granny Smith apple would be important, but there is no need to do that. All apples are safe to give your Chihuahua. A favorite at our house is the honey crips variety. Our long hair Chi Bear really likes them too!
How much apple can my Chihuahua have
When it comes to how much apple to give to your Chihuahua you need to think about their size. It doesn’t take much for our little Chi’s belly to fill up.
A typical Chihuahua that weighs about 4-5 lbs will eat around 225 Calories a day. You don’t want them to have more than 10% of their daily calories in the form of an apple. Each apple slice (from a medium apple) is around 95 calories, that would be no more than 1/4 of an apple slice.
What parts of the apple should I avoid giving my Chihuahua
We’ve already talked about avoiding the seeds. But what else? Avoid the seeds and the core, but the skin is ok, in fact, it’s good for them!
You can cut up 1/4 of an apple slice into little pieces and mix it in with their kibble to offer a fun an nutritious treat for your Chi.
Can my Chihuahua have applesauce?
Applesauce can be a bit more tricky. Applesauce usually has added sugar in it. It’s ok for them to have it if apples are the only ingredient, but you have to be really good at reading labels to find the right kind.
Too much sugar can be dangerous for any dog and with chihuahuas being among the smallest dogs in the world it doesn’t take much to put them in the danger zone, because of this I would recommend avoiding applesauce just to be on the safe side.

Comprehensive List of Fruits That Chihuahuas Can and Can Not Eat
Fruit Type | Can They Eat It? | Why or Why Not? |
Avocado | Not Recommended | The fleshy part of the avocado could be ok in tiny pieces, but the leaves, skin, and pit contain a toxin called Persin which can be dangerous and lethal in high doses. |
Apricots | Yes | Avoid the pit, leaves, and stem. Feed only in small amounts as an occasional treat. |
Banana | Yes | Avoid the peel. The fleshy part is rich in potassium and other nutrients. Feed only in small amounts as an occasional treat. |
Blackberries | Yes with caution | Only 1 or 2 for your Chi, depending upon weight. They have a minuscule amount of Xylitol which is toxic to your Chi so too many could cause real problems. |
Blueberries | Yes | High in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, they can help boost the immune system. |
Cantaloupe | Yes | High in fiber, vitamin B6, niacin, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. It’s low in calories and high in water content making it a great treat for rehydration without excessive weight gain. |
Cherries | Not Recommended | The cherry flesh is safe and even contains health benefits, but there is a great risk of your dog eating a pit and having it cause an intestinal blockage or poisoning, so it’s recommended to just avoid this fruit. |
Clementine | Not Recommended | This fruit is non-toxic, but it’s high acidity and sugar content can cause GI upset in your Chihuahua. |
Coconut | Not Recommended | While coconut is non-toxic, it contains medium-chain triglycerides which can easily upset your Chihuahuas stomach. |
Cranberries | Yes, with Caution | Cranberries can help boost the immune system and prevent bladder infections. Your Chihuahua should not have more than 1 or 2 at a time. Also, be careful the cranberries are not mixed with any added ingredients or contain added sugars. |
Dates | Yes, with Caution | Dates are low in fat, and have a lot of vitamins and minerals, but are also high in sugar and you need to avoid the pit. Only small pieces for your Chihuahua. |
Figs | Not Recommended | Figs could be beneficial for obese dogs who need to lose weight, but overall this fruit can cause GI upset and should mostly be avoided. |
Grapefruit | No, Toxic | This fruit is very acidic and has a toxin called psoralen that can be lethal in high doses to your Chi. |
Grapes and Rasins | NO, VERY TOXIC | Even one grape or raising can cause kidney failure in your Chihuahua. Call your vet immediately if they eat a grape or raisin. |
Honeydew Melon | Yes | With many nutrients and high in water content Honeydew Melon can be a great hydrating treat for your Chihuahua. As always be sure to give in moderation. |
Kiwi | Yes | It’s best to remove the skin, and only give in small portions as a special treat. Although Kiwis are a very nutritious treat for us, our Chihuahuas have different nutritional needs than we do and don’t get the same great benefits from this fruit. |
Lemon | No | The high citrus content of lemons makes it very undesirable for your Chihuahua, so they most likely won’t eat it on their own. Eating lemon could give your Chi a very upset stomach and cause diarrhea or vomiting. |
Mandarin | Not Recommended | Mandarins are not toxic to your Chihuahua, but their little stomachs are not made to digest high citrus fruit so it could cause them to get an upset stomach. Also, the high sugar content in Mandarins can cause problems for your Chi. |
Mango | Yes | Make sure to avoid the peel and the pit. Never allow your dog to chew on fruit pits as most are toxic. Because of high sugar content only give your Chi a very small amount. |
Mulberries | Not Recommended | A small amount of ripe mulberries are not toxic but have the potential to give your Chihuahua diarrhea. |
Olives | Yes with Caution | Olives are non-toxic. Plain pitted olives can be ok for your Chihuahua, but avoid canned olives high in sodium. Olives are also high in fat so only occasional pieces. |
Orange | Not Recommended | This fruit is non-toxic, but has a lot of sugar, and can cause GI upset in your Chihuahua. |
Peaches | Yes | Peaches are loaded with vitamins and minerals and can be a healthy treat. As always only small amounts are ok. |
Pear | Yes | Your Chihuahua can eat Pears in very small pieces. Pears are high in fiber, vitamin A, C, and K. Be sure to avoid the pits and seeds. |
Pineapple | Yes with Caution | Pineapple has vitamin C, along with thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and folate. Very small portions of pineapple can be ok, but beware the natural sugar content is high and can be too much for some Chihuahuas. Avoid canned pineapple because the sugar content is a lot higher. |
Plums | NO, VERY TOXIC | Plums contain hydrogen cyanide, which is extremely toxic to Chihuahuas if eaten. |
Pomegranate | Not Recommended | Pomegranates are non-toxic, but will most likely cause your Chihuahua to have an upset stomach if he eats them. |
Prunes | Not Recommended | Prunes should be avoided. They have too much fiber and sugar and can cause your Chihuahua to have an upset stomach and diarrhea. |
Pumpkin | Yes | Pumpkin can be a very beneficial treat for your Chihuahua. Besides providing many vitamins and minerals, pumpkin can aid in digestion and help your Chihuahua regulate their system if they are experiencing constipation or diarrhea. |
Rasberries | Yes with Caution | Raspberries are rich in nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, and vitamin K. They do however have trace amounts of Xilotol in them which can be very toxic to dogs so with very small Chi’s I would avoid giving them this fruit. With larger Chi’s only very small amounts, but consult with your vet first. |
Rhubarb | Not Recommended | Rhubarb stems could be safe, but the leaves are definitely toxic. If your Chi has gotten into the Rhubarb plant in your garden and eaten any part of it consult with your vet immediately. |
Strawberries | Yes | Strawberries have a lot of fiber and vitamin C. They also contain an enzyme that can help whiten your Chihuahua’s teeth as he or she eats them. As always only in small amounts depending on the size of your dog. |
Tangerine | Not Recommended | Tangerines are non-toxic, but is high in citrus and can cause GI upset in your Chi. |
Watermelon | Yes With Caution | This is a great snack, especially on hot summer days! Low in calories and packed with nutrients—vitamins A, B6, and C, and potassium. However, do not allow your Chi to eat the seeds or rind as it could cause intestinal blockage. |
How much fruit can I give my Chihuahua?
There are a few things that are important to remember when giving your Chihuahua any kind of fruit. Your Chihuahua should never have more than 10% of their daily calories in fruits.
For a small Chi that’s not very much. Most fruit has a lot of fiber in it which your Chihuahua may not be used to. If they eat too much of any fruit it could cause an upset stomach or diarrhea. You should always cut the fruit into very small pieces for your Chihuahua to avoid a choking hazard.
Before giving any new food to your Chihuahua you should first consult your vet
Just like all people are different all dogs are different as well one Chihuahua may react very differently to a certain food than another. Please make sure to watch your Chihuahua for any allergic or bad reactions. Fruits should only be given as an occasional treat and not a staple of their everyday diet.
Are you thinking about getting another Chihuahua? Read this article I wrote on getting your Chihuahua a friend first!
Having a variety of things for your chihuahua to try including fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins can enrich their life and make it more fun and interesting for you both. You know your Chihuahua best and as time goes by you will learn what things they do and don’t like.

Want to learn more about your Chihuahua?
Check out these other articles all about your little Chi!
Do Chihuahua’s Whine A lot? (Complete Guide to Chihuahua Whining) | Paws and Learn
Should I Let my Chihuahua Sleep With Me? (Let Sleeping Dogs Lie) | Paws and Learn
Do Chihuahuas Watch TV? (Mine prefers HD!) | Paws and Learn
Why Does Your Chihuahua Get Jealous, and What to Do? | Paws and Learn
Do Chihuahuas Like to Cuddle? (What Owners Say!) | Paws and Learn
While we strive to give the most accurate and helpful information about your pet’s health that we can, this article is meant to be informational only and not medical advice. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice from your veterinarian or other qualified veterinary health care provider regardless of what you have read on this site or elsewhere.